Make Moringa Tourism and Education a Success Through to Processing and Marketing

The magic of Moringa is more than just a plant, behind its green leaves, there is extraordinary potential for health, economy, and the environment. Moringa or commonly known as kelor is one of the plantation plants with quite broad business potential. Moringa leaves are not sold as raw materials in traditional markets, but can be marketed in various types of derivative products such as drinks, food, health products and natural beauty products. PT Indo Nafaz Group is ready as an exclusive distributor for the development of Moringa product exports produced by PT Moringa Organik Indonesia. In addition to introducing the wonders of this plant, supporting the improvement of the economy of the people in Indonesia, increasing the country's foreign exchange. PT Moringa Organik Indonesia (MOI) has been involved in the moringa business since 2010, successfully exporting to Europe via Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Canada, and others. In fact, we have produced organically and have been recognized by CERES-German covering an area of 25 hectares," said Aki Dudi, Owner of PT MOI, who is familiarly called Aki Pangebon Kelor. The moringa plants managed by Aki Dudi already have organic certificates, the drying process is in accordance with ISO and HACCP. "We implement everything in the SOP for the cultivation and processing of Moringa Organik Indonesia moringa leaves," said Aki. To maintain the sustainability of moringa products, adequate and guaranteed raw materials are needed. Currently, the area of moringa plantations affiliated with MOI is around 200 hectares. The plantation area is spread across Blora covering an area of three hectares, East Nusa Tenggara and Central Sulawesi. Development has reached Tasik, where the core plantation is 2 hectares and the plasma plantation is planned in stages of 10 hectares, 25 hectares and 50 hectares. Likewise in the Boyolali area, which prioritizes the empowerment of farmers who manage land owned by Lanud Adi Soemarmo. With the availability of sustainable and quality products, the Commissioner of PT Indo Nafaz Group, Retno Wijayanti, is committed to ensuring that this product can be enjoyed by the whole world. "Every content in moringa, if managed properly like the SOP from PT MOI, then this will be the same as Korean ginseng, which is world-famous," said Retno, who is familiarly called Nana.

"I first got to know Moringa in the Rotary Club Kudus Srikandi Community, which has a Stunting prevention program by consuming Moringa leaves. Because of my interest in the benefits of Moringa, I met Mr. Ai Dudi Krisnadi, the owner of PT MOI," explained Nana. The development of Moringa continues in Kampoeng Kelor in the Adi Soemarmo Airport Area, managed well by PT MOI "We manage the Indonesian Organic Moringa Learning Center, to date we have trained more than 1,000 people, including the younger generation," said Mr. Dudi. Making Kampoeng Kelor a leading education and tourism center that inspires people to plant, utilize, and appreciate Moringa plants, contribute to improving the health and welfare of the nation, and support the achievement of Indonesia Emas 2045, an extraordinary vision conveyed by Aki Pangebon Kelor.

Exactly on September 14, 2024, right as World Moringa Day, the Moringa Festival was held in the Kelor village, with a series of events Seminar workshop, Cooking Class, Bazaar Stand various food and beverage creations from moringa, to a Culinary Creation Competition. On this occasion, PT Indo Nafaz Group participated in distributing 50 moringa plant seeds to Festival participants, to support Moringa gardens in residents' yards. The Director of PT Indo Nafaz Group, Mrs. Faza gave them directly to the Moringa Festival participants during the event. "It would be a loss if the Indonesian people, especially the people of Central Java, did not visit the Kelor Village of PT Moringa Organik Indonesia," said Mrs. Faza. Because they will get knowledge about the cultivation and processing of this magical plant, as well as business and market networks. "This Kelor Village is the home of the moringa," added Aki. The collaboration in the cultivation, processing and marketing of Moringa between PT Moringa Organik Indonesia and PT Indo Nafaz Group, is marked by a joint commitment to prioritizing product quality and excellent service, in accordance with the implementation of our vision and mission. Moringa for Indonesia, improving health and welfare of Indonesia. Indonesian Moringa is ready to export. PT Indo Nafaz Group is ready to bring Moringa processed by PT MOI to the 39th Trade Expo Indonesia which will be held on 9-12 October 2024 at ICE BSD Tangerang, which will definitely be filled with buyers from abroad to get to know export commodities in Indonesia and are ready to work together. On the occasion of the exhibition, in addition to Moringa, PT Indo Nafaz Group will also be ready to export coffee and coconut sugar.