Indo Nafaz Group synergizes with Kampoeng kelor so that the existence
of this kelor is sustainable. Kampoeng kelor provides cultivation
training, and its development is packaged to touch the social
community. Kampoeng Kelor initiated by Aki Dudi is very beneficial for
the future of kelor.
Kampoeng Kelor is a place to learn, share, and grow with nature.
Escape the hustle and bustle of the city and find an oasis of
tranquility at Kampoeng Kelor. Enjoy the beauty of nature while
exploring your potential.
Let's go to Kampoeng Kelor, Soemarmo Airport, Taman Dirgantara, Jl Adi
Soemarmo Lingkar Selatan, RT.01/RW.04, Ngesrep, Kec. Ngemplak,
Kabupaten Boyolali, Jawa Tengah 57375.
Enjoy your life, enjoy the world